5 Ways to Market Accrue

Discover Accrue Savings: A new way to attract customers and boost purchases. Simplify your marketing with 5 effective strategies to promote Accrue.

5 Ways to Market Accrue
5 Ways to Market Accrue
Accrue Savings
Accrue Savings
December 22, 2022
Budget Tips

Accrue Savings is a brand new way to attract customers and nurture them to purchase. Driving engagement takes work and strategic thinking. We’re here to make that job easy with 5 key ways you can start marketing Accrue today:

1) Email

Email is a great way to reach customers at the right time. Accrue messaging can be a valuable way to vary the messaging your shoppers are regularly receiving. For shoppers who may have added to cart or browsed without purchasing, leveraging Accrue is a simple way to re-engage them with an offer to save up if they aren’t ready to buy. In the later points of your existing re-targeting series, message fatigue can cause potential customers to lose interest. Leveraging Accrue’s value prop here is a great way to continue targeting this group.

In addition, email marketing is a key way to drive savers during peak holiday moments - beyond the usual December holidays and Black Friday, there’s also birthdays, Valentine’s Day, graduation, and so many more. There are many occasions where customers want to save up for themselves or their loved ones. If you have personalization data, you can target your customers with an offer to save up with Accrue for gifts or certain occasions. This will empower people to start thinking about their purchases further in advance, and helps you build a revenue backlog that can later be realized as incremental sales.

2) Onsite

Homepage banners remain one of the best ways to share offers with your customers. Frequently, shoppers are searching the page to learn more about your brand and what they might want to purchase. However, many of them are typically browsing - coming from search engines, an ad, etc. Seeing an Accrue message could be what entices them to stay on your site since they may not be immediately ready to buy.

During seasonal periods where homepage placement is scarce, Top bars can be another valuable way to message Accrue. Encourage shoppers who browse but don’t necessarily add to cart to sign up for Accrue and save ahead of their purchase.

3) Social

A strong social presence is a great way to attract new customers for your business and solidify your brand’s voice. It’s easy to seem like simply another business looking to maximize profits, but brands can make it clear that they care about their customers’ financial health and their accessibility to consumers by partnering with Accrue.

Using Instagram to spread this messaging can be an impactful way to build your identity and tap into a new customer base. Many of your followers might not be able to immediately buy your products. With Accrue, they can take control of their finances to actually purchase what might have been out of reach. Some posts we recommend:

  • Grid post about the partnership and a caption that emphasizes the social good (financial sustainability, expanding accessibility, reducing the reliance on credit)
  • A mix of story and grid posts about Accrue - (how does it work, why save up for Accrue, FAQs)
  • Story Highlights that are always on and provide shoppers more information

4) Blog

Blogs can be a profound way to becoming a thought leader in your industry. Since Accrue is new, you can be on the cutting edge of crafting our joint narrative. Emphasizing our impact on corporate social responsibility is a topic that will work to create loyal shoppers who not only trust your products, but also your ideals.

Some recommended posts:

  • FAQs about Accrue
  • Why we’re working together
  • User Story - someone who saved up for Accrue and wouldn’t have purchased without it

5) In-Store

While Accrue is optimized for e-commerce, there is an opportunity to leverage the messaging within in-store communications. How many times have you spoken with a customer who said that price is a deterrent to purchase? If your sales reps are knowledgeable about Accrue, it becomes a phenomenal alternative way to get those customers through the door. If there is any sense of hesitation about credit or buying now, Accrue is a great way to defer those concerns yet maintain someone as a future customer.

We offer training for your sales/support reps that enables them to confidently advocate for Accrue and answer any questions customers may have. We can also design collateral - brochures, signs, etc - that can be shared in-store when customers are considering a purchase, but aren’t prepared for the payment.

Interested in partnering with Accrue Savings for your business? Get in touch with us

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Alana Resnick

5 Ways to Market Accrue

July 22, 2024

Accrue Savings is a brand new way to attract customers and nurture them to purchase. Driving engagement takes work and strategic thinking. We’re here to make that job easy with 5 key ways you can start marketing Accrue today:

1) Email

Email is a great way to reach customers at the right time. Accrue messaging can be a valuable way to vary the messaging your shoppers are regularly receiving. For shoppers who may have added to cart or browsed without purchasing, leveraging Accrue is a simple way to re-engage them with an offer to save up if they aren’t ready to buy. In the later points of your existing re-targeting series, message fatigue can cause potential customers to lose interest. Leveraging Accrue’s value prop here is a great way to continue targeting this group.

In addition, email marketing is a key way to drive savers during peak holiday moments - beyond the usual December holidays and Black Friday, there’s also birthdays, Valentine’s Day, graduation, and so many more. There are many occasions where customers want to save up for themselves or their loved ones. If you have personalization data, you can target your customers with an offer to save up with Accrue for gifts or certain occasions. This will empower people to start thinking about their purchases further in advance, and helps you build a revenue backlog that can later be realized as incremental sales.

2) Onsite

Homepage banners remain one of the best ways to share offers with your customers. Frequently, shoppers are searching the page to learn more about your brand and what they might want to purchase. However, many of them are typically browsing - coming from search engines, an ad, etc. Seeing an Accrue message could be what entices them to stay on your site since they may not be immediately ready to buy.

During seasonal periods where homepage placement is scarce, Top bars can be another valuable way to message Accrue. Encourage shoppers who browse but don’t necessarily add to cart to sign up for Accrue and save ahead of their purchase.

3) Social

A strong social presence is a great way to attract new customers for your business and solidify your brand’s voice. It’s easy to seem like simply another business looking to maximize profits, but brands can make it clear that they care about their customers’ financial health and their accessibility to consumers by partnering with Accrue.

Using Instagram to spread this messaging can be an impactful way to build your identity and tap into a new customer base. Many of your followers might not be able to immediately buy your products. With Accrue, they can take control of their finances to actually purchase what might have been out of reach. Some posts we recommend:

  • Grid post about the partnership and a caption that emphasizes the social good (financial sustainability, expanding accessibility, reducing the reliance on credit)
  • A mix of story and grid posts about Accrue - (how does it work, why save up for Accrue, FAQs)
  • Story Highlights that are always on and provide shoppers more information

4) Blog

Blogs can be a profound way to becoming a thought leader in your industry. Since Accrue is new, you can be on the cutting edge of crafting our joint narrative. Emphasizing our impact on corporate social responsibility is a topic that will work to create loyal shoppers who not only trust your products, but also your ideals.

Some recommended posts:

  • FAQs about Accrue
  • Why we’re working together
  • User Story - someone who saved up for Accrue and wouldn’t have purchased without it

5) In-Store

While Accrue is optimized for e-commerce, there is an opportunity to leverage the messaging within in-store communications. How many times have you spoken with a customer who said that price is a deterrent to purchase? If your sales reps are knowledgeable about Accrue, it becomes a phenomenal alternative way to get those customers through the door. If there is any sense of hesitation about credit or buying now, Accrue is a great way to defer those concerns yet maintain someone as a future customer.

We offer training for your sales/support reps that enables them to confidently advocate for Accrue and answer any questions customers may have. We can also design collateral - brochures, signs, etc - that can be shared in-store when customers are considering a purchase, but aren’t prepared for the payment.

Interested in partnering with Accrue Savings for your business? Get in touch with us